How to Add A Calendar Entry

All owners have the ability to add items to our community calendar.  Here are the instructions to do so:

  1. Go to the web page.
  2. Choose the “login” link (the bottommost option in the side menu).
  3. Login with your credentials, the main page will return.
  4. The side menu will change when you successfully login.  Choose the “My Settings” option (second from the bottom).
  5. The web page will change to the “Admin” window.
  6. Select the “Events” option on the side menu.
  7. The web page will expand the selection to “Events” and “Add New”.
  8. Select “Add New”, an entry form will display.
  9. Enter the details about your event into the form, then scroll down to set the schedule for the event.  You can choose the day, time, location, organizer info, etc.
  10. When you are happy with your entry, click on the “Publish” button on the right side of the web page.
  11. Go back to the main page, click on the Activity Calendar.  Your event should be there.  If you don’t like what you see (a typo, perhaps), follow steps 1-4, then select “Events” to get a list of your events, then select one to edit.

It is important to remember that your calendar entry will not appear until you publish it.